Amanda Kuehn Forney

Please note that the treatment providers listed in this directory have indicated they are experienced in working with adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, their inclusion in this directory is not an endorsement or recommendation of a provider by Dr. Kenneth Roberson or of a provider’s ability to meet your specific needs. The choice of a treatment provider from this directory is entirely up to you, and other providers likely exist beyond those in this directory that may provide treatment for your needs.

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Amanda Kuehn Forney


As a counselor, my primary goal is to create a safe and non-judgmental space for my clients where they feel heard and validated. My approach involves helping clients identify their unique needs and empowering them with personalized tools to address those needs. I work with individuals of all ages, including older adults (60+) and have particular experience as an advocate for survivors of interpersonal violence, sexual assault, and stalking. For added convenience, I offer video sessions through a secure provider.

My expertise includes anxiety, depression, emotions, and relationships. I focus on an interpersonal and somatic perspective, prioritizing healthy attachment and emotional experiencing. I believe in a holistic approach to wellness and strive to help my clients find balance in all areas of their life, recognizing the profound mind-body connection.

Whether you're struggling with stress, mood disorders, loneliness, relationship issues, or simply seeking professional guidance in your pursuit of wellness, I'm here to help. I'm passionate about helping my clients discover their strengths and resources and achieve greater wellness. Please reach out to me for a free phone consultation, and it would be my privilege to accompany you on your journey.



Pre-Licensed Professional, MS, PCLC


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Dr. Kenneth Roberson

Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Adult Autism Psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Click below to ask a question or schedule an appointment.

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