Daniel Mintie
Thank you for stopping by! I am an adjunct professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine and a clinical practitioner located in Taos, New Mexico, USA. With over 32 years of experience, I specialize in providing skilled and compassionate treatment for anxiety, depression, and PTSD in children, adults, and couples. I have taught Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) at various universities and training centers globally, including the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience in Bangalore, India, the University of New Mexico, Mexico City’s Universidad Hebraica, and the Zentrum fur Psychotherapie in Stuttgart, Germany. Additionally, I am an author of four books, "Reclaiming Life After Trauma: Healing PTSD with CBT and Yoga," "Dharma Wheels: Zen, Motorcycling and CBT," "My Tropic of Cancer: Living and Dying with a Dread Disease," and "Forethought," a collection of poetry. If you're interested in CBT principles and practices, I offer a weekly online CBT training program suitable for professional colleagues, students in training, and anyone interested in deepening their understanding of CBT at a cost-effective price. Please visit www.allthingscbt.com for more information. You can also check out my website, www.danielmintie.com, for free chapters of my books and a blog featuring world-renowned CBT experts.