Michael D. Powers
Meet Dr. Michael D. Powers - a distinguished psychologist and Executive Director of The Center for Children with Special Needs in Glastonbury, Connecticut. He is also an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychology at the Yale Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Powers received his undergraduate and graduate training from Rutgers College, Columbia, and Rutgers University. He has over 40 years of experience in designing educational programs, staff training, and program evaluation for students with autism spectrum disorders.
Dr. Powers is an expert in the diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of individuals with autism and related developmental disabilities. He has published and presented extensively on these topics and is the author of the book "Asperger Syndrome and Your Child", editor of the award-winning book "Children with Autism: A Parent's Guide" (second edition), and co-editor of the "Encyclopedia of Autism Spectrum Disorders" (with Drs. Volkmar, Pelphry & Rogers).
Dr. Powers has worked with various organizations and school districts across the United States and abroad, including the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru; The Marcus Autism Center in Atlanta, GA; the University of the Arctic, Tromso, Norway; York District Regional School Board in Ontario, Canada; Foundation Fabietti in Arezzo, Siena, and Prato, Italy; the Bedfordshire County Council (UK) School Improvement Division; the Utah, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, and Florida State Departments of Education.
Dr. Powers is an esteemed member of the Professional Advisory Board of MAAP Services for Autism and Asperger Syndrome, The Geneva Centre for Autism in Toronto, and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Autism Society of America.