Know Your Brand of Aspergers or Related Autism Spectrum Profile with Jamie Freed, M S W , LICSW

Know Your Brand of Aspergers or Related Autism Spectrum Profile with Jamie Freed, M S W , LICSW

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Autism Network – AANE

Video Summary

  • The presentation is about understanding Asperger’s and related autism spectrum profiles, hosted by Jamie Freed from the Asperger Autism Network.
  • The presentation begins with participants from various locations in the United States and England.
  • It provides historical context, noting the emergence of Asperger’s syndrome and its official recognition in the US in 1994.
  • It highlights the prevalence of autism (1 in 68) and the gender ratio (four to one males to females) while suggesting that female autism may be underreported.
  • The presentation discusses various aspects of autism, including sensory sensitivities, motor skill challenges, strengths like high intelligence and deep interests, and strategies for managing sensory overload and anxiety.

Dr. Kenneth Roberson

Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Adult Autism Psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Click below to ask a question or schedule an appointment.

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