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Adulting on the Spectrum: On being a soccer referee and bowling coach

Adulting on the Spectrum: On being a soccer referee and bowling coach

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Autism Speaks

Video Summary

  • The podcast episode features a conversation with Daniel, an autistic individual who is a soccer referee and bowling coach.
  • Daniel discusses his autism diagnosis at a young age and his experiences with sports, particularly baseball, soccer, and bowling.
  • The hosts discuss the language used to describe autism and the importance of avoiding offensive terms and stereotypes.
  • Daniel shares his experiences as a referee and his involvement with Autism Speaks, including volunteering as the logistics chair for the Staten Island Walk.
  • The conversation touches on the challenges faced by individuals with autism in accessing support and the importance of representation and acceptance in society.

Dr. Kenneth Roberson

Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Adult Autism Psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Click below to ask a question or schedule an appointment.

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