A large study has shown that genetics plays a significant role in autism. The heritability of autism, which refers to the degree to which genes account for traits, is estimated to be 64%. This is similar to other conditions such as schizophrenia, ADHD, and bipolar disorder.
The study analyzed data from nearly 4.5 million people, using Sweden’s Multi-Generation Register to identify siblings born since 1932. By studying full and half siblings, the researchers found that full-sibling pairs were more likely to both have autism compared to half-sibling pairs.
Genetic variation was found to account for 64% of the variability in autism diagnoses among siblings. The heritability of autism was estimated at about 12%, suggesting the involvement of rare genetic variants. The ongoing Psychiatric Genomics Consortium is cataloging common genetic variants associated with autism and other conditions.
The researchers hope to better understand the shared traits between autism, schizophrenia, and ADHD in siblings and use data analysis to predict the likelihood of individuals being diagnosed with these conditions.