Christy Jacob

Please note that the treatment providers listed in this directory have indicated they are experienced in working with adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, their inclusion in this directory is not an endorsement or recommendation of a provider by Dr. Kenneth Roberson or of a provider’s ability to meet your specific needs. The choice of a treatment provider from this directory is entirely up to you, and other providers likely exist beyond those in this directory that may provide treatment for your needs.

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Christy Jacob


Christy is fueled by a commitment to help people find fulfillment in life and their relationships, and to reach their potential. She loves helping individuals develop healthier, happier relationships and overcome life's struggles. As a therapist, Christy has worked in both inpatient and outpatient settings and has treated a full spectrum of populations. Her primary focus is on adults, and she specializes in marital and family therapy. However, she is also an experienced children's play therapist and sees clients of all ages. Christy describes her approach as relational and prescriptive, which means she gets to know you and your goals and customizes her approach to help you meet them.

Relationships are Christy's passion. She believes relationships are the source of our happiest moments in life as well as our most painful. Therefore, her goal is to help you develop healthy and happy relationships. Christy is Gottman trained and has over 20 years of experience doing marital and family counseling.

Christy's practice is about you and helping you find fulfillment in life. She has clinicians who specialize in every age group and most conditions, so she can fit you with a counselor who is the best at what they do. Christy customizes her approach to fit the specific needs of every person.


Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC-SC, NCC, BCC


Street Address
16 E Moulton Street
Decatur, AL

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Dr. Kenneth Roberson

Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Adult Autism Psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Click below to ask a question or schedule an appointment.

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