Coren Kajioka

Please note that the treatment providers listed in this directory have indicated they are experienced in working with adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, their inclusion in this directory is not an endorsement or recommendation of a provider by Dr. Kenneth Roberson or of a provider’s ability to meet your specific needs. The choice of a treatment provider from this directory is entirely up to you, and other providers likely exist beyond those in this directory that may provide treatment for your needs.

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Coren Kajioka


Dr. Kajioka is a distinguished member of the clinical psychology team at Hawaii Counseling and Wellness Center. He brings an inclusive and diverse approach to his work, treating individuals of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and personal values with openness, warmth, and approachability. With specialized clinical training, he assists children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families who are dealing with a wide range of challenges such as trauma, loss, abuse, depression, divorce/separation, anxiety, social difficulties with peers, oppositional behaviors, family conflict, ADHD, academic school issues, autism, learning disorders, and developmental delays.

With years of experience in mental health, Dr. Kajioka is dedicated to empowering young people and fostering their growth and development. He has a particular interest in helping individuals with male gender role issues, including sexuality, masculinity, healthy partnerships, and positive parenting.

In his work with clients, Dr. Kajioka takes a collaborative and flexible approach, providing a warm and empathetic space to address life's challenges. He aims to help clients gain insight and perspective into their behaviors and relationships, with the goal of improving communication, resolving interpersonal conflicts, and facilitating healthy interactions.



Psychologist, PsyD


Street Address
1001 Bishop Street Suite 1510

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Dr. Kenneth Roberson

Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Adult Autism Psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Click below to ask a question or schedule an appointment.

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