Emilie Ruehs

Please note that the treatment providers listed in this directory have indicated they are experienced in working with adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, their inclusion in this directory is not an endorsement or recommendation of a provider by Dr. Kenneth Roberson or of a provider’s ability to meet your specific needs. The choice of a treatment provider from this directory is entirely up to you, and other providers likely exist beyond those in this directory that may provide treatment for your needs.

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Emilie Ruehs


As a therapist, I work closely with each client to identify their strengths, patterns in relationships, and the motivation to change. My clients are individuals aged 12 and above, with a special focus on teens and young adults. My expertise lies in assisting those who experience suicidal ideation and self-harm/non-suicidal self-injury, in addition to providing support for depression, anxiety, body image, life transitions, and identity concerns.

My treatment approach is collaborative and team-oriented, with the client taking an active role in setting goals and developing their own treatment plan. I follow a person-centered, strengths-based approach and frequently integrate techniques from Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) during sessions.

Prior to my career as a therapist, I worked in case management and vocational rehabilitation, serving both students and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Although I do not practice Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy, I have received training as a behavior technician and work with individuals on the autism spectrum and those with intellectual disabilities.



Counselor, MS, tLMHC


Street Address
309 Court Avenue Suite 241
Des Moines

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Dr. Kenneth Roberson

Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Adult Autism Psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Click below to ask a question or schedule an appointment.

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