Dr. Anthony Bram

Please note that the treatment providers listed in this directory have indicated they are experienced in working with adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, their inclusion in this directory is not an endorsement or recommendation of a provider by Dr. Kenneth Roberson or of a provider’s ability to meet your specific needs. The choice of a treatment provider from this directory is entirely up to you, and other providers likely exist beyond those in this directory that may provide treatment for your needs.

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Dr. Anthony Bram


With more than twenty-five years of training and experience in psychological evaluation and various forms of psychotherapy for individuals of all ages, Dr. Anthony Bram is a seasoned clinical psychologist. He places a high value on building a respectful, trustworthy, and collaborative rapport with his patients, recognizing that each person and their struggles are unique. His approach to treatment is tailored to each individual's goals, needs, preferences, and personality, drawing on psychological science research while remaining adaptable to the nuances of each case.

Dr. Bram is diligent in coordinating treatment and advocating for his patients when necessary, whether that involves collaborating with family members, other professionals, or educators, or attending school meetings to help parents advocate for their children. He is particularly adept at discussing medication options with psychiatrists.

Above all, Dr. Bram prioritizes his patients' privacy and autonomy, ensuring that they are free from managed care intrusion and restriction. He understands the courage it takes to seek psychological assistance and values the trust his patients place in him.





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363 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 1

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Dr. Kenneth Roberson

Dr. Kenneth Roberson is an Adult Autism Psychologist in San Francisco with over 30 years of experience. Click below to ask a question or schedule an appointment.

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