Tiffany Herlands
After obtaining her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Yeshiva University's Ferkauf Graduate School, Dr. Herlands completed a clinical internship in neuropsychology at Montefiore Medical Center's neuropsychiatric service. Subsequently, she received the Marie Kessel Fellowship, which focuses on the neurocognition and treatment of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia spectrum disorders, before becoming an attending neuropsychologist at Montefiore Medical Center and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine. In 2006, Dr. Herlands was promoted to Director of Neuropsychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Montefiore Medical Center. Later in the same year, she joined Columbia University to help establish the Lieber Clinic and was appointed Clinical Director. Dr. Herlands frequently gives lectures on a wide range of topics relating to rehabilitation and recovery in psychotic disorders, intrinsic motivation, and cognition, and offers consultation services for complex cases.