“Tom is so argumentative. Anytime we discuss a topic that is emotional, he disagrees with everything I say. He’ll insist he’s right, and when I try to reason with him he quickly gets annoyed, then shuts down. It’s one of the most frustrating parts of our relationship.”
Communication problems of one kind or another occur all the time for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. When this takes the form of arguing, it can be the most trying experience for a non-ASD person, be it a friend, colleague or spouse.
Someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder may feel raw emotions but not be able to identify what it is about or why it’s happening, and frequently it is expressed in a heated or angry way.
The Autism Spectrum Disorder person often has no idea what he or she is feeling, and even less how you are feeling.
Discussions tend to stay at a superficial level, often focused on facts, ignoring subtly and nuance, and with little regard to multiple perspectives on any given position.
Talking about disagreements often increases the person’s stress level, reminding them that conversations don’t resolve differences since they’ve never worked before. The difference between constructive criticism and hurtful criticism is hard to see for many adults with Autism.
But resolving disagreements is absolutely necessary for a lasting relationship, so finding a way to argue effectively is critical if you want to stay engaged with someone who has Autism.
Here are some suggestions for improving the chances of disagreeing successfully with your ASD partner.
Choose The Right Time
Don’t address problems when he or she is angry. Wait until later, when both of you are calm and relaxed. If an argument starts, stop the conversation. Go away, if necessary, and give yourself time to settle down. You may need to be the voice of reason and to do that you can’t be angry.
Focus on Problem Solving
Don’t try to score points or prove you’re right. Remember you are trying to solve a problem. That should be your goal, not winning a contest or showing you know more.
Deal with issues one at a time. People with Autism Spectrum Disorder don’t see how things are interrelated, especially topics that are personal and emotionally driven. Mixing these topics confused them.
Consider whether you are arguing about facts or opinions. If it’s about facts, keep your argument to what can’t be disputed. If it’s an opinion, yours or others, be careful about trying to convince your ASD partner that you’re right. You are certainly entitled to your opinion but that doesn’t mean he or she has to agree with you.
Consider Writing
Talking directly to someone with Autism about a disagreement often leads to a standoff. He or she doesn’t understand your position and you can understand theirs. Try writing to each other. This gives both sides some distance from the complicating emotions, and it allows reason a chance to organize and shape the discussion.
Some consider writing to be an impersonal form of communication, a less effective means of solving problems than talking face to face. However, when emotions cloud one’s thinking and interfere with problem-solving, as often happens with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the detachment of communicating through writing can turn a struggle into a cooperative undertaking.
It’s also helpful often to have a record of a face-to-face conversation by writing down the outcome afterward. You can refer to it later on if there is a dispute as to what was said and agreed upon.
Be Literal
Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder don’t understand metaphors, generalizations, jokes, analogies, and sarcasm. It’s fine to use examples to illustrate your point but stay away from language that has multiple meanings.
Likewise, be specific about what you are arguing for or against. The more clearly defined your points are, the easier it will be for your partner to understand you and follow your argument.
Stick With It
Don’t be discouraged if arguments to end up going nowhere. Chances are your partner with Autism doesn’t understand you and/or can’t shift positions in a way that leads to a different outcome. But this is a matter of the unique characteristics of ASD, and the above suggestions are ways around this problem.
People with Autism tend to be determined. After all, they’ve had to deal with differences and obstacles from early in life, and they can appreciate persistence. With patience, knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder, and flexibility on your part in approaching arguments, you are more likely than not to succeed in the long run.